May 29, 2024

Secure Solutions: Deviceless Payments™ Safeguard Patients and Providers

Product Feature: Deviceless Payments 

Data security is a major concern for patients and healthcare organizations. The growing prevalence of digital transactions makes innovative solutions to safeguard sensitive information a top imperative. Enter RevSpring’s Deviceless Payments™—a proactive payment approach that streamlines financial transactions and reduces security risks for both patients and providers.

Deviceless Payments is a contactless, PCI-compliant and card reader-free payment capture system. It enables healthcare organizations using RevSpring’s PersonaPay™ to securely interact with a patient’s credit/debit or banking information. Utilizing secure technology platforms and enhanced encryption techniques, providers can seamlessly send the patient a direct link via email or text.

The link launches a payment page that allows providers to complete the payment transaction. Providers also can accept phone payments using RevSpring’s SafeMode™ with a soft transfer to an IVR system. This allows patients to privately pay their bill with dual-tone multi-frequencies (DTMFs) and payment information completely masked. The result is a frictionless payment experience benefitting both patients and providers.

Deviceless Payments balance patient convenience with security measures designed to provide peace of mind. The secure link or soft transfer to IVR empowers patients to enter payment information directly into their trusted smart device. By eliminating the need to vocalize payment data, providers foster patient trust and satisfaction. Deviceless payments also reduce dependency on card terminals. This saves substantial costs related to cleaning, maintaining and replacing payment terminals over the long term.

Deviceless Payments also offer a significant advantage to providers by reducing PCI scope and mitigating fraud risk. By leveraging this solution, healthcare organizations eliminate exposure to patients’ financial information. Payments are routed through a secure payment gateway, ensuring that neither point-of-service staff nor their networks capture the information.

Deviceless Payments can be used at all staff-assisted payment touchpoints, including:

  • Pre-service: As part of appointment reminders and other pre-service interactions.
  • Point-of-service: During check-ins for appointments or after planned and emergency services at a hospital.
  • Call Center: Customer Service Representatives can securely connect patients to a system for safe financial data entry.

In an era of digital transformation, healthcare organizations must prioritize data security to safeguard patient trust and comply with PCI-DSS regulatory requirements. By embracing RevSpring’s Deviceless Payments, providers can enhance data security and improve the overall patient experience. With secure, convenient and efficient payment solutions, healthcare can continue to evolve towards a safer and more patient-centric future.