We believe that consistent, high-quality consumer engagement facilitates timely payments, reduces cost-to-collect, and increases customer retention. That engagement starts with getting patients to their scheduled appointments.

Our strategic patient communications are powered by technology, data, analytics, and app-enabled solutions. We turn data into communications and communications into cash flow for your health system.

Automated Patient Appointment Reminders

Our automated appointment reminder software is proven to reduce no shows and optimize scheduling opportunities through intelligent, multi-channel patient engagement. We analyze patient demographics and behaviors to decide the best communication channels, times, and messages to inspire responses. Our bi-directional interface feeds confirmations, reschedules, and other patient responses back into your scheduling system.

With a secure, HITECH- and HIPAA-compliant integration to your existing scheduling system, our appointment reminder software sends strategically timed text messages, emails, app notifications, and phone calls to your patients.

improve patient response to communication

How Our Appointment Reminder Software Works

How RevSpring Appointment Reminders Work: Step 1
How RevSpring Appointment Reminders Work: Step 2
How RevSpring Appointment Reminders Work: Step 3
How RevSpring Appointment Reminders Work: Step 4

Experience Our Appointment Reminders