Strategic clinical outreach helps practices retain patients and encourage repeat service — outcomes that can have a significant return on investment

Automated clinical outreach can help practices engage with no shows and bring patients who haven’t scheduled their next visits back into the office. Practices can use automated outreach to send campaigns to the entire patient population or customize messages based on the type of service due, including detailed instructions.

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Certified Clinical Outreach

With direct integration with EHR systems, our clinical outreach solution is a key component of providing preventative and quality care. Segment your patient lists and tailor clinical outreach to targeted groups for more effective disease management. Here’s how it works:

RevSpring Clinical Outreach: Step 1
RevSpring Clinical Outreach: Step 2
RevSpring Clinical Outreach: Step 3

Working together with our patient engagement solutions, clinical outreach messaging compliments appointment reminders, broadcast messaging, and patient surveys to keep your patients informed and connected throughout their healthcare journey.