The Gold Standard for Digital Engagement

When looking for inspiration on digital transformation in healthcare, look no further than the appointment reminder experience. Appointment reminders are important in a patient’s healthcare. Ensuring the patient knows when to arrive and what is expected is a critical first step, and engaging them to honor their appointment in the channel they choose sets the stage for the journey that follows.

RevSpring sends nearly 70 million appointment reminders a year. 100% of them are digital.

Digital engagement in appointment reminders works. Not least of all, it decreases no shows — by a staggering 50% for providers who trust us with their pre-service engagement.

Our solutions are successful at driving the desired response by engaging patients in the right channel at the right time. So much so that we’ve recently expanded our platform to enable more communications pre-service including no-show notifications. Our platform also features recall reminders and other types of post-appointment messages.

The industry as a whole has struggled to achieve even a fraction of this level of engagement for financial communications. In a recent survey of thousands of patients across the U.S., only 8% regularly receive digital communications from their provider.

Why the disparity? Because appointment reminders have traditionally existed in a technology silo —separate from financial communications handled by the revenue cycle. As such, the processes are different, the tools are different and the data is different.

If only we could bridge the gap between the pre-service and post-service experience for patients AND tackle post-service digital obstacles at the same time.

Oh, but we can.

With RevSpring, your organization benefits from ONE platform for patient engagement from pre-service to post-service, and you can:

  • Deliver a consistent, branded experience for all non-clinical communications.
  • Share preference consent across communication types to promote the right channels for the right patients.
  • Learn what channels patients actually engage in, so that your omni-channel strategies are, quite simply, smarter.

More reasons why only RevSpring can lead the digital transformation you want and your patients crave.

Call or email us to learn more.

Drive Patient Engagement Optimization With eVoke

Based on a personalized messaging approach, our eVoke™ Omni-channel messaging platform gives you the tools to execute a communication strategy that delivers the right message at important touch points throughout the patient’s journey.

  • Increase digital engagement – provide communication in patient-preferred methods
  • Decrease no-shows – gently remind and prepare patients for their appointments
  • Increase office productivity – automate messaging to free up staff
  • Increase patient satisfaction – communicate with patients clearly, consistently and appropriately
  • Drive patient responsiveness – performance dashboards show response levels increase across the engagement spectrum
  • Simplicity – click to connect each communication to a direct action, eliminating steps
  • Flexibility – data-driven makes it dynamic; campaign-driven makes change easy based on your goals