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Follow Epic’s Established Recommended Practices

Applications in the Epic Showroom Toolbox are special because they’ve met the Epic “seal of approval” for established recommended practices. Explore our latest hot topic to learn more.



Look to the Showroom Toolbox for Proven Epic Integrations  

You’ve invested a lot in your Epic environment. Protect it by using applications listed in the Epic Showroom Toolbox. These applications are recognized for following Epic’s recommended practices for integration. Equally important: the companies that offer them are committed to being good Epic partners and effective stewards of your technology environment.

RevSpring’s Credit Card EMV Device integration has followed Epic’s process and earned the privilege of being listed in the Toolbox. More than 170,000 transactions using this integration every month is another testament to our application’s value in Epic environments.

Considering collecting payments using a point-of-service device? Start by ensuring the integrated device application is secure, which greatly reduces your organization’s PCI scope. It’s also advisable to make sure the device application:

  • Seamlessly integrates with Epic with no added IT friction
  • Includes point-to-point encryption (P2PE) and EMV device payment processing
  • Supports both credit card and NFC contactless payments
  • Can interact with Epic’s Credit Card Framework to take payments in Hyperspace
  • Is enabled for the future by accepting contactless payments using alternative digital payment methods like Apple Pay® and Google Pay®

And, of course, look to see that the device application has earned the opportunity to be listed in the Epic Showroom Toolbox for safe and effective integration. This will result in a secure, PCI-compliant and frictionless integration that is flexible enough to handle all types of staff-assisted payments too.

When it comes to patient engagement and payments, we don’t compete with Epic…we complete it.


Helping you do more with less

RevSpring is committed to match—and seamlessly integrate—our solutions with the strategic investments you’ve made in the Epic platform. That means blurring the lines between Epic and our systems, elegantly filling the gaps that may exist in your platform, and helping you deliver a positive patient financial experience.

Today, more than 250 providers at 1100 locations who use Epic derive extended value from their patient financial engagement and payment solutions with precisely integrated end-to-end solutions from RevSpring.


