Payment Solutions to Fit Your Needs

RevSpring has a complete integrated patient statement and payment solution—from effective patient statements to payment portals, text-to-pay and IVR solutions. You can also close the loop on any payment with our comprehensive Merchant Services offering that includes an automated settlement-based reconciliation tool.

Check out below sales collateral you can download that covers the full Azalea package.

How It Works

RevSpring’s Payments Integration with Azalea’s platform is simple and easy to use for both your patients and staff. It’s as easy as 1-2-3:

  1. Patient or staff member is in the payments section within the Azalea platform
  2. Click a button to automatically launch RevSpring’s payment solution
  3. Easily make payments using RevSpring’s embedded portal


RevSpring Product Suite

Solutions integrated seamlessly with your Azalea solution

PersonaPay Patient Portal


Inbound IVR

PersonaPay Staff/CSR Portal

Merchant Services

Outbound IVR

Patient Statement Samples

Devices Brochure

Settlement Based Reconciliation Tool

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