RevSpring Introduces eVoke™ Engagement Platform

…fit individual circumstances and preferences, RevSpring solutions improve the consumer financial experience and drive better outcomes. To learn more, visit For information about RevSpring’s focus in healthcare, visit….

What Defines a Quality Patient Experience?

A 2017 National Bureau of Economic Research study examined statistical relationships between common HCAHPS quality metrics and looked at how these metrics accurately predicted objective measures of quality care, such…

Clever Tools to Help You Simplify Your Revenue Cycle

…process improvements: payment plans, scoring, and patient segmentation. If you need more utilization tips, contact our support professionals at any time. Payment Plans Zero-interest payment plans are an attractive option…

Step Into a New Era of Patient Scoring

…intelligent communication plan that promotes patient payment awareness, increases cash flows, and empowers your patients to become partners in settling their financial obligations. Why a Blended Approach Is Best The…

Five Reasons You Need Patient Segmentation 

…patient communications if you don’t know the specifics about your patients, who they are, what they like, and how they pay. Using propensity-to-pay modeling as an example, you can segment…

GTCR Announces Sale of RevSpring

…RevSpring is a leading provider of end-to-end communication and payment solutions in healthcare and financial services. In total, RevSpring sends 1.5 billion communications and processes over $8 billion in payment…